Sziasztok barátaim, ma megoldok egy problémát, amit a Hackeranken találtam, és megosztom veletek. Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy ez oktatási célokat szolgál, és a megoldás PHP, Javascript és Dart nyelven lesz megírva. Szóval, térjünk rá.


There is a new mobile game that starts with consecutively numbered clouds. Some of the clouds are thunderheads and others are cumulus. The player can jump on any cumulus cloud having a number that is equal to the number of the current cloud plus 1 or 2. The player must avoid the thunderheads. Determine the minimum number of jumps it will take to jump from the starting postion to the last cloud. It is always possible to win the game.
For each game, you will get an array of clouds numbered 0 if they are safe or 1 if they must be avoided.


c = [0,1,0,0,0,1,0];
Index the array from 0...6. The number on each cloud is its index in the list so the player must avoid the clouds at indices 1 and 5. They could follow these two paths: 0 --> 2 --> 4 --> 6 or 0 --> 2 --> 3 --> 4 --> 6. The first path takes 3 jumps while the second takes 4. Return 3.

Funkció leírás

Complete the jumpingOnClouds function in the editor below.
jumpingOnCloud has the following parameters(s):
n: int c[n]: an array of binary integers


n: int: the minimum number of jumps required

Beviteli formátum

The first line contains an integer n, the total number of clouds. the second line contains n space-separated binary integers describing clouds c[i] where 0 <= i <= n.

Kimeneti formátum

Print the minimum number of jumps needed to win the game.

Minta bemenet 0

0 0 1 0 0 1 0

0. minta kimenet


Magyarázat 0:

The player must avoid c[2] and c[5]. The game can be won with a minimum of 4 jumps:

Minta bemenet 1

0 0 0 0 1 0

1. minta kimenet


1. magyarázat:

The only thundercloud to avoid is c[4]. The game can be won in 3 jumps.

Megoldás a Dartban

Megoldás Javascriptben

Megoldás PHP-ben

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